Today’s Reading: Mark 16:1-20 (additional reading: Psalm 55:1-23 & Proverbs 11:7)
Online, you can find a photo of a rock weather station. That’s right, a rock hanging on a rope with a large sign next to it. Weather Station report “Check the rock if it’s wet it’s raining, if the rock is swinging it’s windy, if it’s dry it’s not raining, if you cannot see the rock it’s foggy, if the rock has been blown away it’s a tornado.” This humorous illustration has a profound statement in it and I want to draw your attention to, if you have any doubt whatsoever “Check the Rock.”
- Are you wondering about how to receive eternal life? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering how to be set free from your fear of death? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering how to be set free from your addictions? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering about how to be delivered from the sting of death? -Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering why Christianity is different than other religions? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if Christianity is relevant to you today? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if Jesus is God? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if Jesus is who he said he is? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if Jesus really conquered death?- Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if Jesus is alive today? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if Jesus will speak to you today? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if he is coming again? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering if he keeps his promises? – Check the Rock!
- Are you wondering why we love him so? – Check the Rock!
The pivotal point that sets Christianity apart from all other religions is the removal of the rock and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Jesus Christ was crucified (Killed, murdered). He died just like he said he would in Luke 9:22 “And he said, ‘The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”
But the key here is he was raised from the dead like he said he would be. Just CHECK THE ROCK!
How does Jesus resurrection change your circumstances today?