Today’s Reading: Matthew 19:13-30
A chicken and a pig came upon a church building and read the advertisement on the billboard out front, which read, “Help Us Feed the Poor.” Immediately the chicken suggested they help feed the poor with bacon and eggs. The pig thought for a moment and said, “There is one thing wrong with feeding bacon and eggs to the poor. For you, it only requires a contribution, but for me, it requires total commitment.”
Many in the church today do not want to be totally committed to the Lord because it demands too much of them. Webster’s Dictionary says “To commit oneself says one is to speak or act in such a manner as to bind oneself to a certain line of conduct.” Commitment to Jesus Christ is more than a definition: it requires my life, my soul, and my all. But too often we find ourselves lingering between being committed and uncommitted. It is this that Jesus was speaking about in our parable today.
The man said that ‘I have done all these things’ but it’s not about keeping a bunch of do’s and don’ts. The Bible tells us that where our treasure is, that’s where our heart will be also.
In a world that is so caught up in materialism and self-gratification, it’s no wonder that people don’t have a heart after God. This man who came to Jesus was looking for a better method of getting what he wanted rather than wanting God to make him a better man.
We are prone to look to God for greater ways and means to accomplish our goals, whereas God is looking for us to surrender our lives and give our soul to accomplish His goals.
What do we need to surrender to God?
Father, Thank You for changing us and making us more like Jesus. Help us to surrender all to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen